Sunday, October 19, 2008

June Meditations...

“The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.” Trisha Yearwood
Finding an understanding of what is meant to be.

When something does not occur that was in our plan we often console ourselves with the phrase, “it wasn’t meant to be,” making an assumption that what didn’t happen, what we wanted to happen was not actually in our best interest and that what did occur must be better. Although, we rarely truly feel that way…
When we don’t get what we want we assume that it “wasn’t meant to be” and take that which happened as a consolation prize…leaving us to feel somehow cheated.
The phrase “it wasn’t meant to be” is bittersweet and pretty much a gentle way of saying, I didn’t get what I wanted so I will have to gracefully accept that which is.

That is foolish…And, I am sorry to be so blunt but really…it is.

It is our minds way of taking words and verbally tricking us into believing that we have control over what happens to us…we don’t. Oh, don’t get me wrong…we are responsible for our choices but at the end of the day we are no more in control of the cards we are dealt then we are in control of the weather…Yet, by stating “it wasn’t meant to be” we feel some authority over the disappointments, and over the loss…
Meant means to intend…and to intend means “to have in mind as something to be done or brought about; plan.” A plan. Ok…so “it wasn’t planned to be” and just who is doing the planning? You? Are you the puppeteer? Because if you were, wouldn’t you pull the strings in your favor?
Think about it is this way…if you fall in love and you intend for him or her to fall in love with you, but they don’t because maybe they have a heart for someone else and they intend for that person to love them…

Oh the crossing of puppet strings…So what does that leave us with?

I don’t know what you believe but you do. You know your convictions about this and you have a vision of your God or the gods… but the point is that there is a master planner, right?
Don’t you want there to be? Do you want to be the person who really controls it all? Think about that for a minute. Do this…imagine a world, created by you. You pull the strings and you get everything you want. Now consider this. What happens to the other players? Whose job did you take? Whose lover? Whose security and peace and well-being? What did someone else lose because you won?
Can you deal with that? I am asking you this because I am really interested. I am not judging but I want to know. So for this month, write me back (if you would) and tell me what would happen to other people if you controlled the strings. Be honest and look at “meant to be” through the eyes of another…

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